Friday 13 June 2008

First Post! W00t!

Soooooo, this is the blog I'm starting so that you can all keep watch over the progress on my comic. I guess that means I've got deadlines to meet.


Although, maybe now I'll get some work done, just to keep you all happy. Because I like it when people are happy.

Hmm. The internet doesn't convey sarcasm very well.


Anyway, I guess I'll start off by telling you my ideas behind the Twin Suns story:

I love Star Wars, and I also loved The Fox And The Hound, so I thought I'd combine the two to make a new SW saga. I have to say that at least 1/10th of the credit goes to Si, who is the other main character in this story (how much of the profit he gets is undecided, but we'll see).

What Twin Suns is mostly about is the relationship between two Jedi academy graduates that have chosen different paths: one Dark, one Light. Their journeys occaisionally lead them both to the same place, and often require them to team up to accomplish their individual goals, but with underlying senses of animosity, rivalry and friendship between them. Basically, it's two intertwining stories of two people who grew up together, but turned out to be completely different, and are still fighting for the same thing, but with different methods.

The name "Twin Suns" came from the observation that two stars can be born at the same time and revolve around each other. Every now and then, one of those stars will collapse in on itself and become a Black Hole, sucking matter and light away from its counterpart, although the gravity of the burning star still has an effect on the black hole. I thought this was fairly similar to what was happening between these two characters, as they started off as being the same, but then chose different paths. I guess we'll see what happens, and who's "gravitationl field" will win out, as I haven't decided yet.

With this, I bring new lightsaber design concepts. I think all you SW fans will enjoy what I'm about unveil. It's seriously fucking cool...

1 comment:

JJC1138 said...

First comment FTW, woot etc...

The concept sounds cool, dude. Can't wait to see some of the art.